I have backpacked, but by no means am I a backpacker.  Therefore, recently when I was wondering what would be needed to successfully backpack the 2190+ mile Appalachian Trail winding its way through the scenic Appalachian Mountain range from Georgia to Maine, I asked a friend who is a seasoned backpacker.  Wanting to narrow down the scope of my question, I asked him, “What are the top six essentials you would need to backpack the Appalachian Trail successfully?” Some of his responses did not surprise me…high protein food, shelter, water, and a map of the Appalachian Trail. What surprised me were his first and second items…

…Right fitting shoes and socks, and a good waterproof and windproof jacket. They make perfect sense when you think about it.

Few of us will ever need the essentials necessary to backpack the entire Appalachian Trail, but all of us will traverse this journey we call life.  And just like successfully hiking the Appalachian Trail requires absolute essentials, even more so does life. That being the case, what are those absolute essentials we need?  The potential answers are endless. Responses might include anything from income, food, shelter, utilities, transportation, and education all the way to recreation and entertainment.  But as important as these are, they are not the most essential. 

I love it when, while reading the Bible, the words of Hebrews 4:12 come to life in my heart and mind. The writer of Hebrews, under the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, said this of the Bible, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.(ESV) That happened to me recently when the words of Proverbs 23:23 jumped off the page and came to life.  Many of the proverbs recorded in the book of Proverbs encompass practical wisdom that King Solomon of Israel, the wisest man who has ever lived, wanted to pass along to his sons.  Proverbs 23:23 (ESV) says, “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.” In that verse I find four of the key essentials needed for successful navigation of the journey called life. Let’s unpack the wisdom contained in this verse.


The important thing to understand first is that this verse is a word picture.  By no means is Solomon suggesting that we can go anywhere to purchase these essentials – not even Amazon. His word picture is saying that these four necessities for successful navigation of life are so valuable, so precious, so essential that if they could be bought, each of us should be willing to do all we have to do to pay the asking price. Solomon’s counsel reminds me of a parable Jesus told while He was on the earth.  It’s recorded in the NT in Matthew 13:45-46.  There Jesus says, “Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all he had and bought it.”  For Solomon, truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding qualified as pearls of great price worth obtaining at all costs.  The good news the Bible shares is that all four of these pearls are free gifts from Godfound in His Word when interpreted by the Holy Spirit.

“…do not sell it.”

This part of the word picture is intended to reemphasize that whatever we do, once we have obtained these four pearls of great price, we should never forget their priceless value. Should we forget their value, we might foolishly choose to give them away thinking we no longer need them, trade them away thinking there is something better someone else possesses, or sell them hoping we can successfully make it without them.  In other words, pay any price to get them and refuse any and every offer to part with them.

What are the four pearls of great price Solomon says are worth sacrificing everything to obtain and never sell?  First is truth—that collective body of declarations, whether verbal or written, that express those thoughts, beliefs, and descriptions of life that conform accurately to that which is fact and real… in other words, conforming to that which is faithful to and consistent with reality.  Second is wisdom—the ability to apply truth effectively to everyday life circumstances – such as personal relationships, money management, and decision making.  Third is instruction—the conscious effort we make to sit under the teaching of someone else to gain information and insight as to what is true and wise, and what is not. Fourth is understanding—the ability to accurately comprehend how life works by correctly “reading the room of life” as we encounter various life circumstances and relationships, and then effectively applying truth and wisdom to those circumstances and relationships.

Why is truth mentioned first? Truth is the most valuable pearl of all because it is the foundation upon which the other three are established.  Establish what you believe to be truth, and it will be upon that truth that you will formulate your wisdom which will both determine where you seek your instruction and inform your understanding about how to navigate life successfully.  

But understand this important reality. Not just any truth will do.  Not just any truth will lead to a purposeful and fulfilling life. Not just any truth will help us establish right priorities which will lead to right goals, which will lead to the right strategies and then lead us to the right actions to help us navigate life successfully.  According to the Bible, the truth is, only one truth will do.  It is Jesus who said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 ESV).”  It is Jesus who said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:31-32 ESV) Only Jesus will do because only He is the embodiment of true Truth.

We live in a society and culture today where many people believe strongly that truth can only be found deep within themselves, in their own hearts and minds. They believe it is in their own hearts and minds where reality is perceived and truth for them is established.  Truth is up to them, and no one should be allowed to question their truth. What happens then when their home-brewed truth informs their wisdom, their instruction, and their understanding?  What happens is that everyone does whatever is right in their own eyes.  Should we be surprised then at the moral chaos in our world today?