by | Nov 2, 2017 | Inspiration
One time an elderly man started across a road. About half way he looked up and saw a big black Cadillac coming toward him at a high rate of speed. Quickly he turned and started back toward where he began. Almost immediately he changed his mind, and now believing he... by | Oct 5, 2017 | Inspiration
The last time I checked, the ratio of deaths to people is 1:1. In light of that reality, I have a question. How can a person die satisfied with life?That question arose in my recent reading of Genesis 25:8 which describes the death of Abraham as follows: “And Abraham... by | Sep 1, 2017 | Inspiration
I have a confession to make to my male readership – a confession which some may feel constitutes grounds for turning in my Man Card. I don’t control the TV remote control in our home. There, I said it. Who controls the TV remote in our home is no big... by | Aug 4, 2017 | Inspiration, Uncategorized
Anyone in business understands how important customer service is to the bottom line. Quality service goes a long way in both getting and keeping customers. Profit motive alone is sufficient reason to provide good service.Problems arise, however, when we... by | Jul 7, 2017 | Inspiration, Uncategorized
If I ever qualified as a golfer, then what I am now is a former golfer. When people ask me why I quit, I tell them that golf costs too much money and takes too much time to feel that bad when I finish. Nevertheless, there is a great gift that being a... by | Jun 2, 2017 | Inspiration, Uncategorized
It may just rank as the most unusual thing I have ever witnessed. If not, it gives whatever ranks number one a serious run for its money. I observed it Memorial Weekend Sunday as I drove to church. Lynne was out of town for the holiday weekend, so I...
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