How to Die Satisfied with Life

The last time I checked, the ratio of deaths to people is 1:1. In light of that reality, I have a question. How can a person die satisfied with life?That question arose in my recent reading of Genesis 25:8 which describes the death of Abraham as follows: “And Abraham...

Ears and Hears are Not Synonymous

I have a confession to make to my male readership – a confession which some may feel constitutes grounds for turning in my Man Card. I don’t control the TV remote control in our home.  There, I said it. Who controls the TV remote in our home is no big...

Do You Do Windows?

Anyone in business understands how important customer service is to the bottom line. Quality service goes a long way in both getting and keeping customers.  Profit motive alone is sufficient reason to provide good service.Problems arise, however, when we...


If I ever qualified as a golfer, then what I am now is a former golfer.  When people ask me why I quit, I tell them that golf costs too much money and takes too much time to feel that bad when I finish.  Nevertheless, there is a great gift that being a...

Who Is My Neighbor?

It may just rank as the most unusual thing I have ever witnessed.  If not, it gives whatever ranks number one a serious run for its money.  I observed it Memorial Weekend Sunday as I drove to church.  Lynne was out of town for the holiday weekend, so I...

Everybody Has One

Everybody has one. For some, theirs is already developed to the point it’s etched in stone. For others, theirs is a work in progress – at worst, a loosely gathered group of thoughts, and at best just needing some refinement. Whether it is the result of...