The Greatest Gender Reveal in History

One of the cultural phenomena of our day is gender reveal parties. A whole industry has been spawned out of pregnant couples’ desire, not simply to know the gender of their expected child, but to make a big production out of announcing to family and friends what the...

Who Stole Your Gratitude?

In a classic B.C. cartoon, The Cute Chick approaches The Fat Broad and asks, “What are you thankful for this year?” The Fat Broad, stirring a big pot over an open fire, shouts, “Are you kidding? Who has time to think about that on Thanksgiving?” While the humor of...

Good Grief

One of my companions in life, especially during my 41 years of ministry, has been grief. Some grief I’ve experienced up close and personal, while much of it I’ve encountered while walking with individuals and families through a loss in their lives. Grief is the...

Weed Control

My wife and I live in a subdivision of cottage style homes where our Home Owner’s Association annual dues provides for our lawn care—all except for fertilization and weed control. As a courtesy to our residents, fertilization and weed control is available with a group...

Does Life Really Have Purpose

One of the special gifts we can give ourselves is to take the time to read the writings of someone much smarter than we are so that we can be challenged to think and ponder life at a depth we may not have previously plumbed. A couple of years ago I gave myself such a...

Don’t Waste Their Sacrifice

In just a few days our nation will celebrate its 243rd birthday. One of the challenges we will face will be making sure we are grateful for the price our nation’s forefathers and any military after them were willing pay to secure and maintain our freedom. We would do...