How Good Are You at Thanksgiving Math?

In just a few short weeks our nation will celebrate a day purposed for and dedicated to the giving of thanks – especially the giving of thanks to God for His bounteous blessings on our nation.  In the name of expressing thanksgiving and gratitude, millions will gather...

Spiritual Physics

Recently after 54 years of excellent service, the dental bridge in my upper mouth split in half.  Having to part with that bridge caused me to reminisce about how I lost my three front teeth when I was twelve years old.  One day at school without knowing it a...

Living with the End in View

It is the wise person who numbers his days, not for the sake of knowing the quantity of his life, but for the sake of inspiring in him a quality of life. “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” A prayer of Moses; Psalm 90:12 (ESV)  ...

Is Your Truth Reality?

What is truth? A couple of months ago the student minister in the church where I serve on staff offered me an unexpected opportunity to address the 6th-12th graders in our student group.  The reason it was so unexpected is that I haven’t worked directly with students...

Free…But At What Cost?

I am a child of the late 60’s and early 70’s, finishing high school in 1969 and college in 1973.  Alongside memories of race riots and anti-Vietnam war protests are memories of picture and video reports of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, better known as Woodstock....