It Pays to Look Under the Hood

One morning about a month ago I got into my car with the intention of running some errands. When I pressed the starter button, instead of hearing the beautiful sound of my engine cranking and purring, there was deafening silence. Not even a click. Aggravated that my...

When Trusting Doesn’t Make Sense

One of the gutsiest play calls in Mississippi High School football history occurred on November 3, 1988 in a game between the Tishomingo Bulldogs and the Falkner Eagles. The Bulldogs led the Eagles 16-14 with just seven seconds left in the game. Not only were they...

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

One of the classic, even iconic, phrases in sports broadcasting history was spoken by commentator Jim McKay in the video played weekly to introduce ABC’s Saturday afternoon Wild World of Sports. I imagine that right now many of you are quoting it to yourself: “The...

That Ounce of Prevention

For the past several months much of my time apart from work has been spent readying my recently deceased father’s house to sell. Whereas a sales contract came quickly because his house is in one of the most sought after neighborhoods in my hometown, movement to...

Chasing Peace While Running From A Virus

Back in the early 80’s when Lynne and I lived in Columbia with our girls, we came home on a Saturday night after Thanksgiving to discover that our house had been broken into and some personal possessions taken. The best way to describe how that made us feel is...