Inspirational Blog

Take a moment to be encouraged, challenged and inspired.

Was Being in My Presence Worth It?

Recently while driving to an appointment, I sat at a red light admiring the creative architectural design of a local bank’s brand new office building. While doing so, a well-lighted lobby area on the first floor caught my eye. On the wall of the lobby which faced the street were large letters that were easily readable from the road. The large lettering said, IMPACT LIVES. As I continued to look, I realized there was additional small lettering on either side of those two large words. A closer look revealed the full statement to read, How will you IMPACT LIVES today?

Now That’s A Good Question

What do you consider to be the most important question(s) you need to ask and answer correctly if you expect to live life successfully? Potential questions abound, such as what is a successful life, why am I here, what is my purpose, how can I be happy, what will it take to make me content, why is life so broken and such a struggle, and when my life is over will it matter that I have lived?

Parenting 101

Recently someone asked me to give my best advice for raising children. As I developed my answer, my goal was to provide an answer that would transcend cultural context and be beneficial to parents at any given point in time. What follows is the result of my ponderings. I share it in hopes that it will bless you as a parent or grandparent.

Author & Pastor Jerry Long

Author & Pastor Jerry Long

Jerry Long is a semi-retired minister living in metro Greenville, SC.  He holds degrees from Clemson University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Purchase Ponderings of a Pastor, a collection of these inspirational thoughts, from Amazon

Jerry may be reached at [email protected].