Inspirational Blog

Take a moment to be encouraged, challenged and inspired.

Are New Year’s Resolutions Dancing In Your Head?

With the arrival of 2017, it is natural for many of us to be having thoughts of New Year’s Resolutions dancing in our heads.  Whereas thoughts of change for the better are desirable at any time, we are all familiar with the natural tendency to be open to change and/or improvement which comes with the sense of “new beginnings” that accompanies any new year.  

Why Does He Matter So Much?

December is finally here, and that means Christmas is not far behind.  For most of us, it can’t get here soon enough.  After all, it has been twelve long months since we have eaten as much as we will eat during the month of December. 

Author & Pastor Jerry Long

Author & Pastor Jerry Long

Jerry Long is a semi-retired minister living in metro Greenville, SC.  He holds degrees from Clemson University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Purchase Ponderings of a Pastor, a collection of these inspirational thoughts, from Amazon

Jerry may be reached at [email protected].