Inspirational Blog

Take a moment to be encouraged, challenged and inspired.

Don’t Waste Their Sacrifice

In just a few days our nation will celebrate its 243rd birthday. One of the challenges we will face will be making sure we are grateful for the price our nation’s forefathers and any military after them were willing pay to secure and maintain our freedom. We would do well sometime that day to consider what a big-gulp moment it was for each of those patriots as they one by one stepped up to sign the Declaration of Independence. We would do well to reflect on the price many Americans have paid fighting numerous wars since then in order to preserve our freedom. In the midst of our flag waving and fire cracker popping this next Thursday, let’s allow the following information to stimulate gratitude in us for the price so many have paid.

Such Senseless Love

On October 27, 2018, once more our nation exhaled a collective gasp when news broke of another senseless mass shooting – this time in Pittsburg, PA. On that day Robert Bowers entered the Tree of Life Jewish Synagogue and sprayed his bullet-shaped vitriol into the congregants as they worshiped together. Eleven died from his murderous rampage. Bowers, wounded in a shootout with law enforcement officials, was taken to Allegheny General Hospital. It was there that something additionally nonsensical happened.

Should I Live…What Then?

Recently I had a truly once in a lifetime experience. I attended my 50th high school reunion. Even though I took the time to study classmates’ pictures in my 12th grade yearbook prior to the event, in many cases it was not until I heard the name or saw it on a nametag that I saw that 12th grade face hiding inside their cheekbones. Between pounds, gray hair, and no hair, Father Time had brought about many changes. Some classmates could have been in a one-person lineup and I still would not have been able to pick them out successfully.

Author & Pastor Jerry Long

Author & Pastor Jerry Long

Jerry Long is a semi-retired minister living in metro Greenville, SC.  He holds degrees from Clemson University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Purchase Ponderings of a Pastor, a collection of these inspirational thoughts, from Amazon

Jerry may be reached at [email protected].